Cuento de aventuras en inglés para colegios

A Surprisingly Healthy Treasure

From 5 to 13 years old
45 minutes

This story/theatrical show is one of my very own creations with different versions for audiences aged between 5 and 13. Read more

Two children embark on a fantastic adventure after visiting their local sweet shop. The story unfolds leading them to discover a very unusual and «surprisingly healthy treasure.»

A story with some very diverse vocabulary; the weather, the sea, geography, fruits and vegetables, colours, etc. It also deals with healthy eating habits. An extremely dynamic show with stage props, lighting and sound.

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The jaguar

The Jaguar

From 14 to 16 years old
45 minutes

This story was inspired by a poem of the same title by Ted Hughes which I remember studying in English Literature when I was at school. Read more

It’s a story about the Peruvian Amazon and a very famous neighbourhood in London. Two very contrasting places…

It’s a story in which these two very different worlds become intertwined, where they mysteriously merge into and out of one another… We meet a teenager called Fran. It was the summer holidays and all Fran’s friends had gone away, she was sitting at home bored… but all of that is about to change…

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Dinosaurs and all that rubbish

Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish

From 5 years to 10 years
20 minutes

A beautiful environmental tale. Actually one of my favourite picture books from my own childhood. Read more

Mankind, the humans are destroying the planet with their factories and pollution, but the dinosaurs who have been sleeping for thousands of years begin to awaken and return to the surface to save the Earth and nature and this time, share it equally among all the living creatures.

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The Story of W and H (Activity)

From 8 to 10 years old
25 minutes

A fun activity for learning the WH Questions Read more

It starts with a mini story about two letters, W and H.    W was a bit sad, she lived right at the end of the alphabet… and H felt lonely because no one knew he was there, in so many words you couldn’t even hear H… W and H make friends… Through a song and some fun explanations using panels with images children grasp the concept of the WH Questions.

The kind-hearted tree

The Kind-Hearted Tree

From 9 to 99 years old
20 minutes

A lovely warm tale which deals with the importance of nature and respect throughout the different stages of our lives. Read more

It begins with the friendship of a little girl with a tree… the girl becomes a teenager, an adult and finally an old lady she repeatedly goes back to visit the tree. A story that appeals to children and adults alike.

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The last bus storytelling

The Last Bus Home

From 12 to 15 years old
55 minutes

One of the most symbolic things in London are the Buses, those big red double decker buses. Read more

Felicity and her classmates from secondary school are going on a trip into the centre of London to the British Museum. Their teacher, Miss Watson, is apparently the great, great granddaughter of the famous Dr Watson. Find out what happens to Felicity when she comes across a little magic box that takes her on an adventure through time.

Activities for the youngest students

From 4 to 7 years
15-20 minutes

Fun and dynamic shorter activities for infantil and 1º ciclo of Primary Read more

The Parts of a Tree  learn the names of the different parts of a tree, using images, words, our hands and our bodies… a fun activity using music and movement.

Move to the Rhythm much more fun way to learn the body parts in English than the typical: “Heads, shoulders, knees and toes” A silly song, lots of laughs and very educational.

What’s in the Treasure Chest? it’s time to go on an adventure, searching for treasure… we learn the words of the different things we need to find the treasure, then when we do finally find it…what a surprise!

Creeping Through the Forest creeping, jumping, climbing, swimming, etc. Through the forest, in the mud, up a mountain, across the ocean… learning verbs of movemnet and nouns… a very silly and fun activity!

We are going on a bear hunt

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

From 5 years old
15 minutes

Classic adventure of contemporary children's literature. Participatory show. Read more

Classic story/adventure from contemporary children’s literature. A dynamic way to practice intonation and pronunciation through onomatopoeic sounds and very expressive phrases. It is suitable for all audiences from 5 years old. A very participatory show. It can also be done as a pronunciation workshop for adults.

Yuma Explains the Mystery of the Moon

From 10 to 13 years old
45 minutes

This story takes place hundreds and thousands of years ago, before civilisations, before cities, before countries! Read more

Long, long ago, when the people living here on planet Earth were only just beginning to understand the world around them they told stories!

Yuma loved the moon. Every night she went out to the entrance of the cave and looked up at the sky and wondered. Another of my own stories, it’s about the ancient origins of storytelling, understanding the phases of the moon and one very inquisitive girl from long, long ago.

Teatro en inglés para el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa

The Spotty Hippopotamus

From 7 to 10 years old
45 minutos

Some animals have stripes, they are stripy and some animals have spots, they are spotty. Read more

A heart-warming tale about a rather different hippopotamus, a green hippopotamus with purple spots. The story deals with acceptance and friendship. It’s about spots and stripes, animals and being different. The story is set in the African Savannah, using a large map board to help the audience follow the journey of …The Spotty Hippopotamus.

The enormous crocodile

The Enormous Crocodile

From 8 years old
25 minutes

One of Roald Dahl’s classic children’s tales. Read more

“The Enormous Crocodile” wants to find a nice juicy little child for his lunch, and has thought up secret plans and clever tricks. But the other jungle animals are willing to do everything they can in order to stop him. A story full of humour and vocal expressions. Some of the adjectives and verbs are quite complex.

Teenage 80's London

Teenage 80’s London

From 13 to 99 years
60 minutes

More than just a simple talk… A very interesting subject for teens presented in a theatrical and humorous way. Read more

By telling my own story about my personal experience as a teenager in London in the early 1980’s…It begins as a story and slowly turns into a talk and then a debate about “Youth Subcultures”. We look at and listen to 50’s Rock «n» Roll, Soul, Ska, Disco….and Punk. We also look at black music and the important bands in London’s history…

The history of Halloween

The History of Halloween

All ages
30 minutes

Where does Halloween come from? In which countries and cultures did this popular festival originate? Read more

Different versions for all age groups. For infants and primary with songs…

The Mysterious Castle:
A very inquisitive woman can’t help following a series of mysterious messages written in luminous green, which lead her to investigate a very ancient house which the local inhabitants assure her is haunted.

Cuentacuentos en inglés con historias tradicionales de la India

Sita and the Tiger

From 6 to 8 years old
30 minutes

This story takes place in India… in a very small village, right in the middle of India. Read more

The only two animals that ever came to that humble little village were Gaja the Elephant and a fierce and terrible tiger called Baghinder.

The children participate and help to tell this story by pretending to be Gaja the Elephant and Baghinder the Tiger. It could be ancient Indian folklore, but it’s actually another one of my own tales.

The good witch and the happy forest

The Good Witch and the Happy Forest

From 9 to 12 years old
40 minutes

Why do we always think of Witches as being …Bad? Evil! Read more

Nasty! Wendy is a very Good Witch, a very kind Witch. She’s got lovely shiny white teeth and a very normal nose. She lives in The Happy Forest…she loves all the plants, trees and animals and she cares for them….but one day something terrible comes to the forest, something that makes a terrible, horrible, nasty sound!

What could it be?…..Can Wendy the Witch save the Happy Forest?

A fable for the 21st century

A Fable for the 21st Century

From 13 years old
45 minutes

One of the oldest known storytellers was Aesop. Who was he? When did he live? Did he actually exist? Read more

His fables have been told for thousands of years, in this activity, we hear one of the best known of Aesop’s fables then, I bring students into the modern day with my very own version of the very same fable; The Tesla and the Bicycle. A chance to reflect and debate the moral lessons found in both of these stories, a very humorous look at the 21st century.

Financiado por la Unión Europea, fondos Next Generation
The Enchanted Frog